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01 about

Project Title: Historical Accuracy of A Taiwanese Victim. The project delves into the untold stories of comfort women for Japanese soldiers, spotlighting Taiwanese victims of WWII. Through survivor testimonies and archival research, it sheds light on their struggles and resilience, aiming for recognition and justice. Inspired by artists like Spiegelman and Sacco, it employs illustration to evoke empathy. Including Taiwanese victims enriches the narrative, offering insight into the broader impact of the comfort women system.

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02 archival photos of the project to my illustrations

In my project, I leverage archival photos sourced from the American War Memorial and Asian Women's Funds to enrich my illustrations. These historical images serve as vital references, infusing authenticity and depth into my visual narrative.


03 project work

Welcome to my project, where I  journey through history with the aid of archival photos as my guiding light. My project delves deep into the untold stories of resilience and courage, focusing on the narratives of comfort women during World War II.  The archival photos serve as our primary sources, providing a window into the past and supporting the narrative illustrations. As we weave together visual storytelling and historical research to shed light on these often overlooked but profoundly significant accounts. Here are the developments and outcomes – The development of my project has been a journey of exploration and growth. Initially sparked by a deep curiosity about the untold stories of comfort women, I delved into extensive research to unearth historical narratives and survivor testimonies. This foundational phase involved meticulous archival work, gathering primary sources such as photographs and survivor accounts. As I immersed myself in the wealth of material available, I began to conceptualize the visual elements of my project. Inspired by renowned artists like Spiegelman and Sacco, I experimented with different artistic styles and storytelling techniques to bring these narratives to life. Through iterative cycles of creation and refinement, I honed my visual narrative, ensuring that each illustration resonated authentically with the emotional depth of the stories being told. Alongside this creative process, I continuously engaged in critical reflection, seeking feedback from peers and mentors to iterate and improve upon my work. This iterative approach has been instrumental in the progression of my project, allowing me to evolve my ideas and craft a compelling narrative that honors the experiences of comfort women and amplifies their voices.

Research readings and inspirations from Artist such as Art Spidgelman, Joe Sacco.


Outcome and Developments: 


04 contact

Contact me

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Tel: +65 96153026


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